Donor: EU-IPA
Budget: 1,920,400.00

Project Description:

The objective of this Contract is to strengthen the technical, administrative and IPA-compliant programming capacities of the institutions involved in environmental management in BiH for ensuring the implementation of soft and infrastructure measures for achieving the EU environmental standards. The main beneficiary is the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations (MoFTER).

The intervention is divided into the following tasks:

  • Institutional Support;
  • Legislative approximation and policy-making;
  • Implementation of International Obligations;
  • Environmental Monitoring System Support and Public Communication;
  • Preparation for access to Pre-Accession Funds Support.

Specific activities carried out by Eptisa include:

  • Improving the understanding of MoFTER and wider target groups of the implications of EU accession;
  • Support to implementation of coordination and harmonisation procedures amongst all administrative levels, including a provision for development of institutional capacities needed for implementation of the EU Acquis;
  • Support to development of the HR, budgetary and planning capacities of the State level (MoFTER) and Entity/ Brcko environmental administration;
  • Support to preparation of the Environmental Approximation Position and Strategy;
  • Preparation of Implementation Programmes (IPs) for selected environment (EC) Directives;
  • Preparation of an State-level national environmental policy consisting of climate change, nature protection, waste management, water resource management;
  • Drafting procedures to implement international obligations; drafting IPs to meet the obligations from international conventions and protocols;
  • Organisation of the national environmental monitoring and information system; increasing environmental reporting, awareness, and public participation;
  • Capacity-building to MoFTER and the relevant institution at State and Entity level in improving project preparation, environmental economics and appraisal for investment planning to improve access to EU funds;
  • Support to preparation of operational programmes to access IPA funds and to facilitate co-financing and coordination with other donors/ IFI activities.

For more information about this project, please visit website