Donor: EU-IPA
Budget: 919,750 €

Project Description:

The Republic of Serbia (RS) still provides refuge to some 66,400 refugees and 210,000 lDPs. The worsening of socioeconomic situation within the RS has particularly affected vulnerable social groups, most of all refugees and displaced persons who live in a state of perpetual uncertainty as concerns the possibility of their return and are further exposed to the limited support being offered for the integration of refugees and the improvement of living conditions among lDPs in the RS.

The overall objective of the project is to provide assistance to the EUD and the beneficiary Institution in implementation and monitoring of project activities aiming at finding adequate living conditions and integration of forced migrants who choose to stay in Serbia while supporting the sustainable return of those wishing to return to Kosovo.

Project should achieve tree main results:

  1. Closure of all remaining CCs – This should lead to the provision of adequate housing solutions and other support to accommodate refugees and lDPs.
  2. Implementation of activities foreseen in LAPs of 12 municipalities – related to housing solutions in Serbia such as delivery of building material packages and supply and instalment of prefabricated houses for IDPs and returnees in undignified private accommodation, economic self-reliance of all three targeted groups of forced migrants through delivery of small grants for work, craft and agriculture activities and measures leading to better social inclusion of returnees under the Readmission Agreements (language lessons, additional teaching of pupils, psychosocial support).
  3. Return to KiM – The achievement of this objective will contribute to enabling a sustainable return to persons who are considering a return to their home of origin which is guaranteed by numerous human right instruments.

The purpose of the Technical Assistance is to provide assistance to the EUD and the beneficiary institutions in monitoring the implementation of the grant scheme following the Call for proposals.
The team will be organised in three units responsible for each priority foreseen in Call for Proposals:
(1) Grant scheme for Housing Solutions (to support the closure of the remaining collective centres);
(2) Grants scheme to the municipalities with adopted Local Action Plans (improvement of conditions for refugees, IDPS and readmitted persons in private accommodation);
(3) Grants to support sustainable return of IDPs to Kosovo.

For more information about this project, please contact EPTISA’s Regional Office for Southeast Europe at: