EPTISA jointly with NTU International has been successfully awarded with another project of great importance in Albania – “Results – Based Road Maintenance and Safety Project (RRMSP)” funded by World Bank and managed by the Albanian Road Authority.
EPTISA aim is to create and build institutional capacities in three main organizations in Albania: Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Albanian Road Authority and Traffic police.
Furthermore, the aim will be to include other related authorities as a part of Inter-Ministerial Committee (e.g. Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education) as well as to point necessity of private sector involvement (e.g. NGO’s and private companies) to boost IMRSC Committee coordination in developing internal capacities and creating robust road safety management system for Albania.
Last but not the least, is to recognize, support and strengthen internal capacities of Road Safety Department within MoIE to take proactive role as the “Lead Office (Agency)” and to take the role as the Secretariat for Inter-Ministerial Road Safety Committee.
Specific Objectives of this assignments are as follow, to:
- Support Road Safety Department (MoIE) as the Lead Office (Agency) and as the Secretariat of the Inter-Ministerial Road Safety Committee (IMRSC) by developing internal capacities and procedures to conduct “Result based” institutional functions;
- Provide technical assistance in Safe road infrastructure
- Establish sustainable Monitoring and Evaluation Systems for systematic and ongoing measurement of road safety outputs and outcomes (intermediate and final), and the evaluation of interventions to achieve the desired results;
- Recognize and prepare integration path of different data repositories in robust Road Crash Data and Analysis System;
- Outline and prioritize unsafe behavior on Albanian roads with proposed, target driven awareness campaigns: On “Promotion” – Publicity and Awareness Campaigns Targeting Unsafe Behaviors.
The consultant’s specific activities, but not limited to the following components:
- Component 1 – Strengthen Road Safety Department (MOTI) as the Lead Office (Agency) and the Secretariat of the Inter-Ministerial Road Safety Committee (IMRSC);
- Component 2 – Technical assistance in Safe road infrastructure
- Component 3 – Road Crash Data and Analysis System
- Component 4. On “Promotion” – Publicity and Awareness Campaigns Targeting Unsafe Behaviours