The newly awarded project to EPTISA with ORGUT as the lead partner, funded by the SIDA (Swedish International Development Agency) aims at supporting capacity development in the field of environmental monitoring, assessment and reporting, strengthening the capacity for implementation of environmental legislation, conservation of biodiversity, management of trans-boundary natural areas, establishment of groundwater monitoring network and river basin management.
In the next 48 months, EPTISA with Orgut will provide a technical support to the Governmental authorities, specifically the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning and Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency (KEPA), in improving environmental conditions in Kosovo that will focus on the following specific objectives:
- To develop the capacity of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, the Inter-Ministerial Water Council, municipalities, civil society and other stakeholders in environmental monitoring and management.
- To develop the capacity for implementation of environmental legislation, in compliance with EU directives.
- To enhance the knowledge of Kosovo’s water resources and develop capacity for their improved management, and enhance resilience to environmental and climate change.
- To enhance knowledge and protection of biodiversity and develop capacity for improved management of transboundary protected areas.
Project comprises eight technical components:
- Strengthening Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency’s (KEPA) capacity for environmental monitoring, assessment and reporting;
- Conservation of biodiversity through Red Book of animal species in Kosovo;
- Strengthening the management of trans-boundary natural areas;
- Establishment of groundwater monitoring network in Kosovo;
- Strengthening capacity for implementation of environmental legislation at central and local level;
- Groundwater investigation in Drini River Basin;
- River basin management plan for Drini River Basin;
- Support to Inter-Ministerial Water Council (IMWC) through short-term mandates.
For more information about this project, please contact EPTISA Regional Office for SEE at: