Eptisa has been awarded a new contract in Croatia: “Development of Institutional Capacity and Project Pipeline for EU Structural Funds Post-Accession – Project Pipeline for IPA / EU Structural Funds”.
The project is financed by the EU Phare Programme, and has a budget of 4.5 million Euro. The assignment started last 1st December 2008 and will be implemented over the next 24 months by a consortium composed by Safege, EPTISA, PM, Ramboll and Razbor.
The overall objective of the project is to prepare the Croatian public administration for its effective participation in the EU Cohesion Policy and to enhance the capacity of all relevant stakeholders to prepare high quality projects and schemes for the Structural and Cohesion Funds, ensuring the timely and efficient management of such projects and schemes.
EPTISA will bring a very valuable experience and best practices in the planning and preparation of infrastructure projects for EU Accession Assistance, a field where Spain proved to be a major success story.
For all additional information regarding the project please contact Mr. Alvaro Diez, Project Director at: adiez@eptisa.com