Of recent, EPTISA Adria d.o.o has been awarded new project, funded by the European Union and managed by the Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA) that aims to alleviate the effects of climate change in Croatia. The purpose of this contract is the strengthening of the capacity for the assessment of vulnerability and impacts of climate change, for the assessment of adaptation measures in sectors that are exposed to the impact of climate change at national and local levels, through education and the use of computer equipment for creating climate models, and through raising public awareness. Moreover, assistance in the definition of vulnerable sectors, impact assessment and priority measures and activities necessary for adaptation in sectors exposed to climate change which will help in later decision making on the necessary steps and investments related to adaptation to climate change and lastly drafting of Strategy on climate change adaptation in the Republic of Croatia for the period until 2040, with a view to 2070 and drafting of Action Plan.
During this assignment, EPTISA will provide a technical support to the Croatian Government, specifically the Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection that will focus on the following:
- Strengthening of the capacities of experts for making climate models and scenarios for the assessment of vulnerability to climate change and the impacts of climate change, and adaptation measures to climate change for each sector;
- Education of officials at the national and local level and of the interested public on the impact of climate change and on measures of climate change adaptation;
- Definition of the vulnerable sectors to climate change;
- Modelling of the impact of climate change on vulnerable sectors;
- Assessment of vulnerability to climate change and review of the impact of climate change across sectors;
- Assessment of adaptation options and an overview of adaptation measures across sectors
- Analysis of cost-effectiveness and ranking of adaptation options;
- Drafting of Strategy on climate change adaptation in the Republic of Croatia for the period until 2040, with a view to 2070 and drafting of Action Plan.
The expected project results are education of experts and officials and public awareness in the field of Climate Change adaptation and drafting of Strategy on Climate Change adaptation in the Republic of Croatia for the period until 2040, with a view to 2070 and drafting of the Action Plan.
For more information about this project, please contact Mr. Josip Coric, Business Development Executive for Croatia at: jcoric@eptisa.com