Origin of funding: EC
Budget: € 939,300

Project Description:

The overall objective of this project is to improve water quality in the Kura River and to provide assistance in building up capacity in the countries to approach the water management in an integrated way and creating the conditions needed for the implementation of specific requirements of the EU WFD. The specific project objectives are based on the results achieved by the previous phase of the “Trans-boundary River Management for the Kura River Basin – Phase II” (implemented by Eptisa), whose objectives they intend to expand. Project area covers the part of the Kura – Aras river basin that belongs to the territory of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia whose citizens will be the end-beneficiary of the project.

The project includes the following activities:

  • Revision and assessment of the existing information and water quality approaches in the three countries;
  • Elaboration and adoption by Partner Countries of a common water quality assessment approach based on the EU Water Framework Directive;
  • Institutional technical assistance and training on the EU WFD to governmental institutions;
  • Joint field survey aimed at applying the proposed water quality assessment approach;
  • Co-ordination with the other EU environmental projects in the Caucasus.