Donor: EU
Budget: 899,650 €

In 2002, the EU Member States and the EC launched the EU Water Initiative (EUWI) to help mobilize towards an integrated approach to water resources management and achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for drinking water and sanitation. As a response to the objectives of the EU Water Initiative, the ACP-EU Water Facility was set up in 2004 with the principal objective of providing water and basic sanitation to the poor, and of improving water management and governance in ACP countries.

The overall objective is to assess the Facility using the standard five DAC evaluation criteria: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact. In addition, the evaluation assessed:

  1. The EU value-added of the Facility, both regarding its design and quality of implementation, and
  2. The complementarily of the Facility with Member States’, other donors’ interventions and with other EC interventions.

The purposes of this contract are to assess the following:

  1. The extent to which the Facility has contributed to the achievement of the water and sanitation Millennium Development Goals in terms of impact and sustainability;
  2. The extent to which the projects that have received funding from the Facility have been relevant, effective and efficient in fulfilling the objectives of the Facility;
  3. The extent to which the implementation modalities (centralised Call for Proposals) have been effective and efficient in fulfilling the objectives of the Facility;
  4. The value-added and complementarity of the Facility compared to other EU instruments as defined in section 1 above (complementarity with other programmes and initiatives).