Donor: EU
Budget: € 1,875,980

Project Description:

The project of “The Decentralized Institutional Support” was one of the components that integrated the Program of the Reactivation of the Food Security, implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) of the Government of Angola and financed by the European Commission. The project of “The Decentralized Institutional Support” had two different and complementary lines of intervention:

  • To strength the support services concerning the food security with a perspective of the rural development in the provinces of  Benguela  and Huila; and
  • To strength the MINADER so that it can be capable to design strategies, policies and plans for the development based on the experiences and demands of the grass roots level.

Main project activities were to:

  • Train and to prepare staff from the municipal, provincial and central levels of competent institutions in the agrarian sector to design bottom-up policies and to offer the agrarian perspective in the matters related to the food security;
  • Adapt municipal and provincial policies and programs for competent institutions to the objectives for food security and rural development;
  • Improve the structural and organizational conditions of the municipal and provincial institutions that are competent in the agrarian sector;
  • Systematize, spread and present before the MINADER the experiences of the food security and of the rural development.