Donor: EU
Budget: €15,500,500
TA: € 1,231,550

Project Description:

The programme was a 4-year technical assistance, focused on a total population of 8,000 children of the Outskirts of Buenos Aires. The specific objective was to improve their socializing conditions and to amplify their opportunities for social and labor integration. The program strengthened the institutional structure for children’s care by articulating the relationships between public, private and mixed organs.

The project activities were to:

  • Strengthen the civil society organisations by infrastructure rehabilitation (schools, alternative housing, infant soup kitchens, community development areas, etc.) equipment and formation;
  • Support the Public Administration for the management of grants;
  • Create professional formation centers for the integration of vulnerable group into the labour market;
  • Reinforce the actions focused on social development: reinforcement of occupational workshops, promotion of activities, job apprenticing, etc.;
  • Implement orphanage centers for children without family. Support them providing a temporary house, food, and education; finance by public grants;
  • Increase the possibilities of social rehabilitation of teenagers: conversion of workshops into scholar workshops, market labor-demands study, creation of job-searching units, support to NGOs that are working on teenage integration;
  • Improve the legal coverage of the actions to be carried out: Regularization of the legal situation of children toward the Argentinean public institutions;
  • Reinforce the conditions that will ensure the sustainability of actions: support to NGO projects, strengthening of community structures that will guarantee the sustainability of actions. Also support to the NGO coordination authority was provided;
  • Public awareness campaign; drafting of publications and conferences for the public opinion; drafting and management of seminars and publication in magazines for experts in the field of education;
  • Overall project management, monitoring and dissemination of best practices.