Donor: SIDA
Budget: 258,000 EUR

Project Description:

The Kosovo Environmental Strategy (KES) from 2004 identifies the key environmental problems and defines the strategic orientations to be applied. The KEAP aims at gradual improvement of the environmental situation by specifying concrete tasks for decision-makers and stipulating responsibilities for stakeholders.

An updated and revised national environmental strategy, KES, with a National Environment Action Plan, NEAP, are prerequisites for the sustainable development of Kosovo (UNSCR 1244). These documents will guide all environment-related investments in the medium term and help ensure that they are approved and implemented in a manner consistent with EU standards. They will guide the regulation of the sectors related to the environment.

The Development objective of the project is to achieve an improved environment in Kosovo aligned with EU standards and international conventions. The Project objective is that an updated and revised KES with an accompanying NEAP has been broadly discussed with stakeholders and presented to the officals before the end of March 2011.

The following activities were carried out by the Consultant:

  • A baseline report – a summary of the state of the environment;
  • Review of existing sector strategies (e.g. water, waste, hazardous waste, air, land degradation, biodiversity and natural heritage);
  • Revised Kosovo Environmental Strategy 2011 – 2014;
  • National Environmental Action Plan 2011 – 2014.