Donor: Regional Funds, Spanish Agency for International Cooperation
Budget: €606,000

Project Description:

The specific aim of the project was to provide technical assistance and the necessary equipment for the improvement of life conditions for the inhabitants of Excelsior in areas such as food, education, sanitation and housing, as well as reaching a productive market system that guarantees the sustainable growing of the inhabitant’s income.

Activities of the project included:

  • Improvement of the social conditions: more adequate housing facilities and basic education;
  • Improvement of the techniques and methods for production: introduction to new ideas and technologies to improve and increase the commercial production in a sustainable way;
  • Creation of a co-operative movement for the purchase, production and sales of all farm goods, legal and financial support;
  • Improvement of social conditions: Introduction of basic education and promotion of community development;
  • Improvement of infrastructures, communications and housing: improvement of housing and sanitation, telecommunications, agricultural machinery, transport and principal access by road;
  • Organisation of Agricultural training programmes.