Ceremonial closing of the project “Strengthening the Services of Public Health Laboratories in Serbia”, implementing by Eptisa, will take place in Hotel “M” on 21 March, 2008.

The aim of this event is to present all the project activities as well as their importance for the project beneficiaries.

IPH_Pancevo_SLATThe Project started on 5 October, 2005 and lasted until April 2008. Its overall objective is to contribute to the improvement of the health of the population in Serbia through sustainable strengthening of Public Health Laboratory Services within the network of Institutes of Public Health which are the main beneficiaries of the project.

This opportunity will allow representatives of beneficiary institutions to present the importance of the project activities for work of their laboratories. Also, representatives of the Ministry of Health, Medical School in Belgrade, Accreditation body of Serbia, as well as the European Agency for Reconstruction will attend the final event.