Donor: EU
Budget: € 4,620,000
TA: € 970,000

Project Description:

The general objective of the project was to collaborate to the implementation of a welfare state in Panama, and to contribute to improve human rights for prisoners. The specific objective of the project was the improvement of the prison system in Panama: developing the security into the convict stations and upgrading a prisoners’ rehabilitation system, focusing in prisoners’ professional education. Also, the projects’ aim was the institutional strengthening of the different organizations and the modernization of prisons.

The purpose of this project was to provide technical assistance to prisons and individual prisoners, in their effort to obtain education and to provide educational facilities for the prison system to achieve their inclusion in the labour market and in the civil society.

The Project consisted of several components including:

  • Institutional Strengthening of the Prison System Directorate;
  • Integration of the prisoners into the civil society through the professional education;
  • Enhancement of prisoners social rights;
  • Improvement of health conditions of prisoners;
  • Development of prisoners’ rehabilitation system;
  • Improvement of  the security system in the convict station;
  • Upgrading of the coordination between public institutions and execution on public awareness campaign;
  • Improvement of internal security management in the convict stations.