Donor: EU
Budget: EUR 1,969,250.00
Project Description:
The project should take place over 24 months, starting from May 2018. The overall objective of the project is to improve the justice sector in line with EU accession requirements.
The purpose of this contract is to strengthen the capacities of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to fulfil its role in the judicial reform process and coordination of implementation of the measures of the Action Plan for Chapter 23 (AP 23) Judiciary and Fundamental Rights in the context of Chapter 23 accession negotiations.
The project aims to reinforce the implementation of the AP 23, as well as the National Judicial Reform Strategy (NJRS). In particular, the project focuses on activities, which address two major issues related to alignment of the normative framework with EU acquis, as well as mechanisms and capacities for implementation and monitoring of the AP 23 and the NJRS.
The ultimate goal of the project is to strengthen capacities of the MoJ to enable it to takeover and realise in the long-term its specific duties in the process of implementation of relevant strategic documents, as well as the coordination of numerous institutions under Chapter 23, without external expert support.
Results to be achieved:
- Component 1 – “Normative framework and standards” result – Increased alignment of the normative framework and standards with Chapter 23
- Component 2 – “Implementation of MoJ tasks and obligations” result – Increased implementation of MoJ tasks and obligations envisaged within the judicial reform process, as well as tasks from the AP 23 in the context of Chapter 23 accession negotiations
- Component 3 – “MoJ-led coordination, monitoring and reporting on the AP’s implementation” result – Improved MoJ-led coordination of numerous authorities competent for the implementation of AP 23, as well as a more efficient monitoring and reporting on the AP’s implementation.
1) The first component “Normative framework and standards” is supported by activities to strengthen capacities of the MoJ in the process of alignment of normative framework and standards with EU acquis. Component’s specific objective is to provide direct assistance to the Ministry’s Department for Normative Affairs.
2) The second component “Implementation of MoJ tasks and obligations” will be supported by the activities to further strengthen capacities of the Ministry to fulfil its role in the judicial reform process and coordination of implementation of the measures of the AP 23 – the Judiciary and Fundamental Rights in the context of Chapter 23 accession negotiations.
Component’s specific objective is to provide direct assistance to the MoJ’s Departments for:
- Judiciary
- EU Integration and International Projects
- Normative Affairs
- Material and Financial Affairs
Activities within the Component 2 include also raising public awareness on the measures and results planned and achieved in the implementation of AP 23 and NJRS 2013 – 2018 throughout organisation of round tables, workshops, public debates, communication with media, social network promotions, throughout all the period of implementation
3) The third component “MoJ-led coordination, monitoring and reporting on the AP’s implementation” will be supported by activities to strengthen the capacities of the Ministry, as a leading institution to fulfil its role in the efficient monitoring and reporting on the AP’s implementation.
For more information about this project, please contact EPTISA’s Regional Office for Southeast Europe at: