Donor: International Management Group (IMG)
Budget: €11,660,000
TA: €960,000

Project Description:

The project is framed within a process of reform of the Justice that Venezuela is carrying out. This Institutional Building and Support project is directed towards the improvement of the physical and psychological frame of the conditions of imprisonment with a view to favouring the social reintegration of the prisoners. The Programme supported various interactive educational events for schoolchildren acknowledging the importance of greater awareness of the general public of the legal reforms carried out in the country and the need to cultivate liberal and democratic values among the younger generation.

The project comprised several main components:

  • Capacity strengthening of main actors, which included training of trainers and training of civil servants;
  • Updating and installation of equipment and basic infrastructures;
  • Improvement on the “regime” and management of the Centres: Development of intervention plans; study and implementation of the internal regime and classification; conversion of infirmaries in community assistance centres; implementation of a drug addicts / AIDS attention and care system;
  • Labour and academic training: development of labour training: Development of academic training including cultural and leisure activities; implement a craft workshop; social training to consultants and NGOs;
  • Relationships with the family and community environment: Development of programmes for social intervention; support to the integration of civil organisations of social assistance into the penitentiary environment; support to the establishment of agreements between public bodies and the centres;
  • Legal Warranties to adults and youngsters: Improvement of the legislative framework; improvement of the communications between the courts and the centre; establishment of the disciplinary regime of inmates;
  • Public Awareness campaigns: sensitising campaigns to the public society.